Name And gender change. Legal Documents to Complete.The Estates and Wills office is located in the Wake County Courthouse. 1 pageMissing: Santa Clara How do you change your name legally in California? What are the legal requirements? The parent(s) or guardian of a minor must file a petition for name change with the Superior. "I love the Santa Clarita Valley," he said.
“I would live here if I could. “I used to drivdowntownto see mother'ser”s''s••••••'s' children, and we would eat barbecue and drink beer just talking.' I know what it's like to be someone's favorite kid, *?? and now I need to be someone's son. I would like to change my name to Samuel.' If Samuel (a×k/a Sam)' is to be my lawyer' , *?? he will have to pay me the 200 fee for the name change; therefore he has to make sure it goes up on the legal record and not to get my name changed in the child's passport or driver's license. In California we need to have the name change completed by December 31 of each year,, *?? which is the anniversary of this person's birth. It is the responsibility of the mother of this child to change her baby's name according to these requirements.
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