A defendant in an unlawful detainer action only has 5 days to file a response at the. Superior Court after receiving a Summons and Complaint.
If the person whose rights are violated is not within the U.S., he is entitled to legal assistance. Contact the U.S. Immigration and Refugee Services:, or if the person who is unlawfully detained is an American citizen or lawfully admitted permanent resident, contact the U.S. Department of Justice:. The U.S. Department of the Justice also has an Immigration Law Helpline at. The Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) is a non-profit civil rights organization that is responsible for the legal assistance to the defendants of wrongful detention actions. For additional information and a list of attorneys who are willing to take cases, contact CCR's legal assistance office. Call. Or visit their website at:. How does an unlawful detained lawsuit work? Under federal law, the defendant must file a request for voluntary dismissal by the date it is served with the summons and complaint on the U.S. Customs officer.
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