Florida law allows you to file for divorce without a lawyer. Serving Your Petition is the First Step in a Florida Divorce.Filing for divorce in Florida? To dissolve a marriage in the state, the only requirement is for one of the parties to provide proof that the marital union is "irretrievably broken. Mandatory disclosure requires each party in a dissolution of marriage case to provide the other party with certain financial information and documents. Even in an amicable divorce, the process itself can be overwhelming, exhausting, and traumatic, speak with a skilled West Palm Beach divorce attorney today. When a person files their petition in a litigated case, the opposing party has 20 days to respond. Petition for Simplified Dissolution of Marriage, Form 12. If you qualify for Florida's Simplified Dissolution of Marriage process, you may not even need an attorney to represent you. 2. Are you or your spouse hoping to modify alimony in South Florida?
How to Obtain and Deflect Alimony in Florida 3. What are the reasons Florida imposes a filing fee? You will need to pay the appropriate filing fee and fee schedule at the time of filing. See what other Florida filing fees are out-of-pocket; see what other Florida fees are on your credit report. 4. Are you married to multiple people? Can you file a joint petition only if everyone agrees to it? Can you split up the household responsibilities without the consent of all spouses? Can you file an individual petition with only one spouse? 5. Who can file a petition for a dissolution of marriage in Florida? If you are married to only one spouse, then your Petition to Divorce must be served on that spouse alone. This applies whether you file for divorce in Florida or outside the state. In either case, your petition must be served on the spouse who is the subject of a prior court order.
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