Now more than ever, couples want to engage in a low conflict divorce whenever possible. The website includes instructions for filling out the forms.To find out more about what Amber can do for you, contact her New Orleans, Louisiana, office at 866-469-2264. They can then submit their proposal to the court for approval. A restraining order is a particular type of protective order; it is a temporary civil court order of protection. In order to make a request to legally change their name, a resident will need to fill out a Petition for Name Change form. The stress of divorce is rarely a smooth walk in the park. Service and Citation in a La. Civ. Code art. 103. Divorce. 29.0A. 29.0A. All active cases are kept in numerical order in the Record Room.
Most of this information is in the database, but you are advised not to view it during your divorce procedure. During these proceedings, the court is not allowed to speak with you, to read your mail, to look at your physical or financial files, to hear your evidence. You have to go through the process without a public defender. If an attorney is selected, the court has limited powers to assist you. He or she may help you determine whether any issues of interest, including the disposition of property and certain debts, are properly presented in a certain procedure. In most cases, it will also be necessary to consult with an attorney about the best case strategy that will reduce the chance of a contentious and expensive trial. The goal in court is not to win by the wisest decision but to obtain the relief requested and to avoid a costly and lengthy trial. If you are being represented by a lawyer, you must tell the court and/or lawyer who will represent you during the trial.
The materials in this section are taken from public sources. We disclaim all representations or any warranties, express or implied, as to the accuracy, authenticity, reliability, accessibility, adequacy, or completeness of any data in this paragraph. Nevertheless, we make every effort to cite public sources deemed reliable and trustworthy.