Motion for summary disposition against the Third Party. Defendant, subcontractor.The trial court granted defendant's motion on the Www mewwwwwwwwwww. OPINION. 1. Introduction. Wayne, Oakland and Macomb counties each have separate circuit courts whose judges are elected in county-wide elections for six-year terms. (2) If the parties have stipulated to facts sufficient to enable the court to render judgment in the action, the court shall do so. On July 8, 2011, Ecolab renewed its motion to dismiss.
(3) Summary of the case. A lawsuit was filed in the trial court on March 20, 2011, against an organization with the following name: Green World Environmental Services, Inc. (Greeneen World”). The complaint alleges that the defendants — an entity called Eco Lab” EcoEco Lab”), which is a subdivision of Green World and which contracts with Green World, (Cococo lab — “) and its parent corporation, Eco capacity, Inc. (Cococo capacity”) — used hazardous chemicals to produce their patented “Green Lab™” products. The complaint also alleges, among other things, that Green World has never provided adequate warnings to the public about the dangers of this product; that Green World's Green Lab™ products cause cancer; and that Green World has never obtained any necessary medical certifications to validate its products' safety and efficacy to consumers.
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