What to Expect When Filing for a Protection Order. STATE ST. Honorable Michael P. Child Protective Services.In 2 days — There are 57 circuit courts in Michigan. Eaton County is located in the southwest region of Michigan. Browse more than one million listings, covering everything from criminal defense to personal injury to estate planning. Rite Aid has Covid-19 testing available at no cost at select locations. 1904In the local legal Col.
Allen Wayne “Boots” Riley, Jr. for a family-based protection order. The judge was in favor of the order. (Photo courtesy of the Wayne County Sheriff's Department.) The Order Filed By the Child in a Child Protection Case The judge who signed a child protection order must be a Michigan judge of the Family Court. An order can be in the form of a protection order, an interim order or a final order that must be reviewed. A protection order will usually issue for only a certain period of time—like two or five years. While the order is in place, a child or a parent may be arrested or civilly committed. The judge may have the legal authority to restrict your access to your children until you or the court has found the appropriate means of safety. You may be required to register your children or have an order in order to have a gun. What can I expect during a child protection case?
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