A voluntary conveyance of property, especially real property.
A property trust is a kind of personal estate that, at a particular time, may be vested in the trust. You may transfer property to a trust, but it is usually not possible to make a transfer from a trust to someone else's trust or personal property. The legal status of property in a trust is subject to changes over time, which are in part caused by the property's changing use. For more information, see Chapter 2. A trust is also known as a nominee trust. A nominee trust is usually not created by an individual's will or by a court order, but may result from a will or a trust agreement. Because trust property is held in trust, it is very difficult for creditors to obtain payment for it. In an estate, the title of the person with whom an estate is open is recorded by a court as a property title order. This is a document in which the court makes a finding of whom, in its opinion, has possession or rights in property, and is thus entitled to it. When an estate is open, it remains open.
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