Please remember to fill in the comment section indicating what relief you are requesting. Work program has resumed operations.If the plaintiff owes the defendant money, the defendant may file a Counter Affidavit and Summons up to 15 days before the trial. If the plaintiff owes the defendant money, the defendant may file a Counter Affidavit and Summons up to 15 days before the trial. You should be prepared to fill out additional information regardless of which statement you choose. Summons and complaint must be delivered in a way that gives the defendant notice that a case has been started . Summons and complaint must be delivered in a way that gives the defendant notice that a case has been started . Q8 Is it important to properly complete the inventory checklist? WHO TO SERVE - Michigan Court Rule (MCR) 5. 125 identifies Interested Persons – those required to be served – for many different types of probate proceedings,.
Including those associated with the Michigan Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act or a Michigan Chapter 7 Bankruptcy case. The first six items in the checklist are listed below. Each item is also listed on this website. They are all “Covered Persons”. However, to avoid unnecessary delays, it is recommended that you file a copy of the list of named Interested Persons by email (see Contact Us×. When your clerk delivers the Notice and Order to the person or entity, he or she will read and sign the document, and that person or entity is then required to serve the Notice and Order to the named Interested Persons by mail. This may be done in person or by a common carrier or a teletypewriter (TTY×. If a “Covered Person” responds that he does not have the required number of named Interested Persons and that he cannot serve the notice to the named Interested Persons, you may not be able to proceed with the case. The Court should direct him or her what action should be taken.
The materials in this section are taken from public sources. We disclaim all representations or any warranties, express or implied, as to the accuracy, authenticity, reliability, accessibility, adequacy, or completeness of any data in this paragraph. Nevertheless, we make every effort to cite public sources deemed reliable and trustworthy.