My truck was repossessed this morning from a buddy's auto body shop in North Carolina. North Carolina Stolen Car Registration Requirements.Overall, the opinion is a win for the defendant. In Delaware, while in the pursuit of a person believed to have committed a felony, a misdemeanor or a violation of the motor vehicle code (11 Del.
C § 513), a law enforcement officer may temporarily detain a person as a suspect while the police obtain and process information from the person to determine the identity of the person. In the second instance the defendant was stopped at the exit of a rest area. A law enforcement officer stopped the defendant for not wearing a visible safety belt; it was determined that the defendant had not complied with the driver's side belt requirement. If it is determined that the defendant was intoxicated and the defendant is not wearing a visible safety belt, the law enforcement officer would have the right to request that the defendant pull a driver's side belt. The officer did ask for the defendant's license and registration, and then advised the defendant that he needed to pull over or leave the rest park before the officer could assist him in any way. The officer issued the defendant an administrative summons for an illegal left turn.
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