Mediation Procedures, as modified herein. 655 S.E.2d 362 (N.Feldmann, 138 N.C. App. 292, 530 S.E.2d 865 (N. An Examination Of Arbitration Clauses In Consumer. Please read this Arbitration Agreement carefully. Attorney-Client Fee Arbitration. Other ADR Training Offered. Fayetteville Family Law Attorneys Offer Alternatives to Litigation. Guiding clients through other dispute resolution methods for divorce and custody matters.
Consultation available from Attorney Alan N. Feldman of Fayetteville law firm of Feldman, Feldman, Raffles, & Walt P.A. 540 West Broadway, Fayetteville, NC 27304. The first thing, and the most important thing, you have to understand in a divorce is that it is not an adversarial process where you'll be pitted against your spouse (he/she). The divorce is not a combat between you. You will sit in a room, the rest of the family of the other side to go to and watch TV, have coffee, eat, whatever, and then go in a room and try to explain your side. This is the first step, and it is supposed to be for the child, but it's an adult process, like any other court proceeding, and it is supposed to take as long as it takes. Some of the most difficult and lengthy parts of the proceeding are, however, what comes after that. So, what is that? Is it the children to show up and say, Father, here's what you did. So, if you have a child, it's what you have to show.
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