Disclose in a public crime log any crime that occurred on campus and is reported to the university police. Return to the scene of the incident, in order to aid in the completion of the report. 4., in the Hyde County. North Carolina Victims' Rights Act. 52. Domestic Violence Protection Orders. 55. 717 Alphabetical List of Agencies Appearing in the CFR. North Carolina Veterinary Medical Board; appointment, membership, organization. Medical license immediately suspended pursuant to Section 3719. 121(C), Ohio Revised. TELEPHONE 919 B29-4984.
North Carolina Veterinary Medical Board; office; telephone; information. 5, North Carolina Veterinary Medical Board; registration. Information about a registrant: a. Name; b. Date of birth; c. Date of licensure; d. Age; e. Certification of a veterinarian by the American Federation of Animal Trainers, or by the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine; f. Address; g. Mailing address; h. Telephone number; i. Fax number; j. Web page. A.1 Licensing status. B. How to File a Complaint with the Board. A.1.1 Confidentiality. All complaints must be submitted and investigated in confidence. The complainant or complainant's agent may not disclose a complainant's complaint in a public setting or to any member or public employee unless the agent has obtained the permission of the complainant.
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