Rules for Court-Ordered Arbitration in North Carolina . North Carolina Medical Society. Delegate(s).William E. Bowman, Greensboro NC. G Hadley Callaway, Raleigh NC. Mary Ann Contogiannis, Greensboro NC.
Thomas L. Cunningham, Charlotte NC. Mary B. Donahue, Rock Hill NC. James H. Dudley, Wake Forest NC. John W. Evans, Greenville NC. Samuel F. Fields, Rock Hill NC. John L. Fox, Fayetteville NC. R T. Gilman, Fayetteville NC. William J. Grubs, Fayetteville NC. John H. Hall, Fayetteville NC. John C. Henningford, Fayetteville NC. Robert H. Johnson, Orange burg NC. James M. Johnson, Raleigh NC. Charles E. Knight, Charlotte NC. William H. Latham, Winston-Salem NC. Robert C. McDowell, Raleigh NC. William P. McCall, Greenville NC. Thomas E. McGuire IV, Winston-Salem NC. Josephine R. Moore, Greenville NC. Joseph H. Moore, Wakefield NC. James W. M. Myers, Raleigh NC. John J. Osborne, Winston-Salem NC. DENNIS M. PLATT, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA. Charles H. Racer, Orange burg NC. Joseph M. Ross, Durham NC. Henry S. Smith, Asheville NC. E. Eugene Stint, Raleigh NC. M. Charles Wilson, Durham NC. Edward D. W. Ziegler, Charlotte NC.
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