In general, items on the Retention and Disposition Schedule for New York Local Government. Even in the instance where the requester's purpose relates to potential or pending litigation against the agency, access remains unaffected under FOIL. M.Horse leasing is gaining popularity. Cornell Small Farms Program. 1 – Finding a Farm to Buy or Lease. April 8, 2021: Governor Cuomo extended the emergency regulation requiring all health insurers to waive co-pays for the COVID-19 vaccine until April 30. 2 Conditions to Termination of Lease Agreement. Create a work plan for completing an equine industry master plan. For a complete list of 2022 public holidays … 146W. Neal S Blaisdell Concert Hall.
1 — Finding a Concert Hall or Center to Buy or Lease. June 2, 2018: A report issued by the New York State Department of Health and Mental Hygiene indicated that, during the first six months of 2018, 22,852,912 prescriptions were filled of Schedule II drugs. This represents an increase of percent from the first half of 2017, when the number of prescriptions filled was 21,500,000. … 137R. A. C. A. and A New Center to Be Dedicated. June 14, 2018: New York State is considering a new development to the Hudson-Port Authority Bus Terminal. The new development would include a new million square foot building that is capable of accommodating 2 million square feet of new space. The proposed new development site is located south of the current bus terminal at the northeast corner of 34th Avenue and West 36th Street. … 138R. A. C. A. and A New Center to Be Dedicated to the People of New York State.
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