Some commonly notarized documents include: Wills; Trusts; Deeds; Contracts; Affidavits. Our office is conveniently located in Arlington, Texas."I graduated or will graduate from a Texas high school or received my GED certificate in Texas. Submission RequirementsYou must complete a Demolition Permit application. Filling out the Affidavit of Nonmilitary Service. The Servicemembers Civil Relief Act is a federal law protecting military members on active duty. ATTORNEY FOR APPELLANT: STEPHANIE M. GONZALES, ARLINGTON, TEXAS. Mislead or to misrepresent the information contained in the report. What is Mobile Notary Service in Texas? Police Department Public Report Search.
A searchable database of Police department's public service reports, or other records that document the operation of the department. Mobile Notary Service has an extensive searchable database of Texas Police Department (Texas PD) reports including reports from your local, county and state levels. The database can be accessed as an online or mobile phone application. You can enter a TX PD report number, city, county, town, street or post code to locate the report, then locate your search results. When entering the information be sure to choose the “Mobile Notary Service” function. After the TX PD report number and TX PD report search criteria are entered, the database is updated with all available records of a given TX PD department. The TX PD database allows you to search the TX PD reports for a searchable database of Police records. Mobile Notary Service has extensive searchable database available for a fee.
The materials in this section are taken from public sources. We disclaim all representations or any warranties, express or implied, as to the accuracy, authenticity, reliability, accessibility, adequacy, or completeness of any data in this paragraph. Nevertheless, we make every effort to cite public sources deemed reliable and trustworthy.