You need a heirship affidavit if property is in the name of a person who is deceased. It is used so the heirs of the deceased owner may transfer the property.This can speed up the process of transferring ownership of the property. Married With Children ; No siblings or descendants. ½ to parents and ½ to surviving spouse ; No surviving parent.
No spouse or children can inherit from a deceased parent unless the surviving spouse has not married anyone else since he or she was first married. Example : An 87-year-old female homeowner files for estate tax relief claiming a 300,000 exemption. The home and other real property that she lived in for most of her life was in the name of her parents and grandparents. The home has an appraised value of 120,000. Her father died in 2009, and her husband died in 2010. She is survived by her three children, aged 25, 26, and 27. The eldest, 26, and the youngest, 27, are only children to her parents. The wife is an only child, and her parents are separated, but they have lived together their entire life. She did not have any siblings, and no children survived her parents. Therefore, this is a qualifying widow with children. She does not need to complete the affidavit of surviving spouse in order to receive the 300,000 exemption.
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