(MHI), has been involved in the following healthcare business transactions: • On April 30, 2020, MHI entered into an agreement to acquire Magellan Complete.
Magellan is a healthcare information technology company serving the medical and technology sectors in North America, Europe and Asia. Magellan owns more than 1,000 corporate offices in 39 countries, a presence in more than 30 countries and employs approximately 20,000 people. • On May 30, 2010, MMR acquired Hero Surgical, an advanced surgical system company. Hero's expertise and manufacturing capacity is focused on developing innovative soft-body technologies. • On June 1, 2010, MMR acquired Atheists, a company providing advanced medical imaging software and technology to doctors, nurses, laboratories, the health care industry and research institutions. Atheists is an advanced medical imaging company known for its proprietary software, including the popular Atheists A software for imaging human organs and tissues.
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