If you'd like to get rid of your timeshare, your developer may allow you to deed it back. Get drafting and sending your letter to rescind your purchase.A Timeshare Cancellation Letter is a letter that individuals can prepare when they want to cancel their Timeshare Agreement. What are the signs of timeshare scams, and how can you get out if you got a bad deal? Complete our eligibility form to see if you qualify for our timeshare cancellation program. Looking to cancel Westgate timeshare? Check out our news flash archives for the latest timeshare related news. The first thing that you should do is to contact your timeshare developer. In some cases, they will cancel your contract. Diamond Resorts, based in Las Vegas, goes one step further in a lawsuit filed in 2017.
It argues that it never signed any timeshare agreements with Timeshare International Management Company (TIME). TIME, a subsidiary of TIME Management, did not just sign away the rights to future profits. The contract that TIME negotiated with Diamond Resorts states that TIME “will be responsible for all losses, damages, claims, losses, claims, damages & liabilities to which TIME shall be entitled” in case of a potential lawsuit from TIME management. TIME maintains that the contract was not written with this clause in mind, but was agreed upon by both TIME management and Diamond Resorts. TIME maintains that if they want to take away any profit from the timeshare, they have to do it themselves. So, you have two companies: TIME LLC, and TIME Management, Inc. which holds all the rights to sell the timeshare in their name, and then is responsible for the losses. You can either go with TIME, and they may cancel on your behalf, or you can take it back yourself.
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