Queens, New York Order Refunding Bond is a financial instrument designed to help the local government manage its existing debts more efficiently. It is a form of government bond issued by the Queens, New York government to refinance its outstanding debt obligations at more favorable terms. The purpose of this bond is to save money for the taxpayers of Queens while ensuring the smooth operation of the local government. There are several types of Queens, New York Order Refunding Bonds, each serving a specific purpose: 1. General Obligation Refunding Bonds: These bonds are backed by the taxing power of the local government and are used to refinance outstanding general obligation bonds. They allow the government to reduce its interest payments and potentially lower the overall debt burden. 2. Revenue Refunding Bonds: These bonds are issued based on the anticipated revenues from specific projects or programs. They are used to refinancing existing bonds tied to those revenue sources, such as tolls or fees. The purpose of revenue refunding bonds is to improve cash flow and potentially generate savings by reducing interest expenses. 3. Tax Increment Refunding Bonds: These bonds are associated with tax increment financing (TIF) districts. TIF districts are created to spur economic development in specific areas. Tax increment refunding bonds help the government refinance existing debt tied to these districts, using the anticipated future increase in tax revenues resulting from the development. 4. School District Refunding Bonds: These bonds are specific to school districts within Queens, New York. They are used to refinancing outstanding debt obligations of the school district, typically with the aim of reducing interest costs, extending maturity dates, or restructuring the debt to align with future revenue projections. In summary, Queens, New York Order Refunding Bonds are a financial tool used by the local government to improve its fiscal position by refinancing existing debt obligations. By doing so, the government aims to save money, optimize cash flow, and better manage its financial resources, ultimately benefiting the taxpayers and ensuring the smooth operation of the local government.