The maximum offer is only temporary; a longer stay is not available, which was why more than 40 state inmates have recently taken the offer, according to prison officials. “I thought about asking for more for a while, but when I heard I could get 50 years (in prison) for killing three people, I didn't like that at all,” inmate Jonathan Pined told the AP. Pined was one of the two men who accidentally killed a 19-year-old pregnant woman, her mother and her father in 2012 after they were supposed to have been locked up, the AP reported. The inmates have requested to stay at the county's Menard Correctional Facility. Inmates also take up-to-30-day visits on weekends when other inmates are working in other prisons, according to the AP. Florida has a long-accepted practice to use prisons as vacation homes, but not all inmates are as willing to do so.
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