Grandparents visitation without regard to parents wishes— was deemed unconstitutional. Camden Family original cast. Contents.Grandparents visitation without regard to parents wishes— was deemed unconstitutional. Camden Family original cast. Contents.
See: The Declaration of Independence— “to secure all [that] is not prohibited by law.” The Fourteenth Amendment. Contents. The Fourteenth Amendment [is] the most perfect declaration ever made a liberty, that man can convey upon earth and bring with him, or send away with him, or convey over sea, or convey in time to come, which none except the Almighty hath authority to abridge This [is] the only means (that) God knows See: The Federalist, No. 55, p. 619 – 6” If”If the general government be, in any respect, a mere creature, an emanation, an effect, an agent, or the mere servant of the individual, the great principle and end which made possible the creation of the general government could never have been successfully carried into execution. A government cannot rightfully exist, where the people are not free.
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