A resident or purchaser at a mobile home park must follow all applicable Florida laws in regard to the sale of recreational vehicles, including licensing, registration, sales and use taxes, and all state and federal laws or ordinances pertaining to the sale, rental, or use of recreational vehicles. These rules apply to a resident buyer and a purchaser at a mobile home park, even if the resident buyer is a business enterprise. The following is a list of laws, rules, and regulations pertaining to the sale of a trailer or mobile home in South Florida: Boat Landing and Fishing Regulations Florida Fishing Laws Local Boat Regulations Aquatic Plants, Plants of the Sea Florida Wetlands Florida Watershed Management Act (2014). Provides for regulation of use of waters of state, counties, and municipalities within the state. Includes definitions of terms such as “waters of state.” Florida Water Resources Management Act (2004). Includes definitions of terms such as “waters of state.
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