PREVAILING WAGE, CONSTRUCTION, M.G.L. C. 149, §§2627D . Undertake to perform and complete the Construction.Contract itself, through its agents or independent contractors;. CITY OF KINGSTON. COMPLETING PARAGRAPH 1. Contractor who performs or manages construction, removal, repair, or improvement when the total value referred to in a single contract or project is:. The Contractor is required to provide data on Contractor manpower (including. Subcontractor manpower) for performance of this contract. 44A to 44H; competitive bids on construction, etc. Compensation Grid 2 Unit 2 AFSCME Craft, Maintenance, and Labor.
Construction. Concessionaire or the City requires the construction, removal, repair, improvement, or maintenance of facilities and facilities or equipment on public or private properties. For a public service or utility under the County's municipal code, the general condition of the utility or facilities; or. The total value referred to in a single contract or project is:. The aggregate work time under this contract is for the benefit of the City and County, and has been signed on behalf of the City and County on behalf of other persons, including subcontractors, if required. CONSTRUCTION — PRIVATE PROPERTY: If the Contractor:. Constructs a site or structure or makes other improvements. Is required to use subcontractors, and if required, submits a written notice to the County outlining the subcontractor, total value, and anticipated work time. COMPLEX CONTRACT — MUNICIPAL CODE: If the Contractor:. Constructs a site or structure or makes other improvements.
The materials in this section are taken from public sources. We disclaim all representations or any warranties, express or implied, as to the accuracy, authenticity, reliability, accessibility, adequacy, or completeness of any data in this paragraph. Nevertheless, we make every effort to cite public sources deemed reliable and trustworthy.