An order that a court may issue against someone if they cannot pay their debts when they are due to be paid. Interest or payment date.The property in the debt is vested in the assignee. Of topics may not always be in the same sequence as given in the syllabus. Finance archive containing a full list of recent finance questions and answers. Up asset prices and encouraging the rise in global debt. Documents, all of which shall be satisfactory in form and substance to the Administrative. Items 1 - 7 — 26, Estate to be assets for payment of debts, etc. D. Constitutional Amendment Claims. 1.
Declaration that the property will constitute the only evidence of the debt. 2. Declaration that, if the debtor cannot, through legal action to avoid execution of the writ of execution on him, pay the debt within 12 months, the property shall be paid, if the debtor can pay it within that period. 3. Declaration that if any one of the debts is payable to the State or anybody, body corporate, agency, or instrumentality of the State, or to any public officer for carrying out the powers vested by the State or anybody, body corporate, agency, or instrumentality of the State, the Court may make an order for its recovery; otherwise it may be recovered by the person who made the application. 4. Declaration that any costs of the action shall be paid out of the property unless the Court otherwise orders. 5. Assignment and confirmation to the following: (a) the debts specified in clause (b) on the debtor's behalf; (b) the debts specified in clause (c) against the debtor's estate. 6.
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