UGLY, a Nonprofit Community of Community Development, for Nonprofit Community Service Project. (Ugly, Inc., FEDERAL REVENUE SERVICE, October 4, 2017) 5. UGLY, Inc., FEDERAL REVENUE SERVICE, for the UGLY Neighborhood Development Project. 6. UGLY, Inc., for the Community Development Project. 7. UGLY, Inc., FEDERAL REVENUE SERVICE, with CCU, University of South Florida in conjunction with the City of Tampa for Community Services Improvement Project. 8. UGLY, Inc., FEDERAL REVENUE SERVICE, with TAP, University of South Florida in association with the City of Stuart for Community Services Improvement Project. 9. UGLY, Inc., FEDERAL REVENUE SERVICE, with TAP, University of South Florida in conjunction with the City of St. Petersburg for Community Services Improvement Project. 10. UGLY, Inc., FEDERAL REVENUE SERVICE, for Public Housing Projects. 11. UGLY Inc., FEDERAL REVENUE SERVICE, for Tax Increment Financing Projects. 12. UGLY, Ltd., for Tax Increment Financing Project. 13.
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