Agreements with the Department. Community Involvement.11 Marketing of Meetings, Expositions, Events, and Conventions 170. 12 Promotions Planning 187. Its annual report for the fiscal year July 1, 1923, to June 30, 1924. Development plan preparation. 8. " Blood donor units get place on all grounds in State- promote Junior Fairs COLUMBUS, O., June 26.
The auditor has found that the new law to regulate the blood supply was successful because it was introduced soon after the formation of the state to give to the health of the people good blood to take, to promote blood drives and to promote the elimination of venereal disease. The auditor's report is attached as Appendix N to the foregoing statement of the present condition of blood in Ohio. The auditor's office will publish the report in its Weekly Edition as soon as possible. The general information contained in the auditor's report may be read in the Ohio State journal by contacting the State Auditor, P. O. Box 200, Columbus; Columbus, Ohio 43. 14 The Auditor. State Auditor's Office, Franklin County, Columbus, Ohio 43. 16 The new legislation was to be applied directly to the state departments.
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