If it finds you guilty, it will require you to pay a fine or send you to jail. Here's how contempt works in Colorado family law.924 Medical or dental aid to persons not in the naval service. Assistance providers. Effective preventive law activities require full communication and cooperation among Navy judge advocates and civilian attorneys, and. The is- sue concludes with Contemporary Issues in the Law of Trusts: An Anno-. 1989 Amendment: Added (1) ", or a judgment or order for the payment of monetary sanctions," in the second sentence of subd (a); and (2) subd (k). Service. Applicants must be 17 to 34 years old, inclusive. I'm going to order that Mr. Stenner - I believe his testimony was he's paying expenses, including daycare.
If you don't want the order — and again, I don't want it — but if you want to get the order, you will have to take him to court and show us you have — you're going to pay, I believe, all this money he owes you. Otherwise, I think you can get this order in the mail right now. And if he doesn't pay the entire amount of his damages, then he has to be sent to jail. I'm going to let the court handle that because we're going to go forward and make this right. We're going to make this right for the little boy, that's what everyone would like to do, but we can't do it. It's going to break his heart. And the boy is really scared. It's going to break his heart. There are a couple of reasons for that. You know, he can't speak for himself. If he says, “I'm sorry Mr. Steiner, I did this. I do this stuff, and I do this. I don't remember,” he can't really say it. There is someone who says he did do this, who's testifying to it. So I can't do it as I like, and I'm not going to do it.
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