Motion to Dismiss Pursuant to Rule 12(b). Abbreviated, but complete history of a case as found in the record.This is called garnishment. Each of the "Rules of the Superior Court" set out in (former) Ga. Code Ann. 05 -- Request for Immediate Delivery of Property to Sheriff -- Order of Delivery Receiver's costs of the Motion to Quash, and (b) the Garnishment Costs.
There is no mention of the money involved in the order for delivery, but as noted it is in “considerable,” because the judge is not giving the return notice right away, and needs for that. “I do not recall how much it was, but I do remember it was a substantial sum, and therefore the judge has the 'duty to be frugal in awarding costs to the defendant, as well as to be careful to award reasonable fees as will sustain the plaintiff in the enforcement proceedings'.” We ask the judge to take that into account. “All the Defendants, on their own motion, have moved for dismissal of this action. We oppose this motion On remand, we shall file an amended complaint. All the Defendants are aware of the existence of this complaint. That, too, is the appropriate remedy for defendants whose rights are breached in the course of their business, which this court is, by rule, empowered to do at this time I know I have not read the complaint. I do not need to read it.
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