Fairfax Virginia Articles of Incorporation for Not-for-Profit Organizations with Tax Provisions The Fairfax Virginia Articles of Incorporation for Not-for-Profit Organizations with Tax Provisions serve as the official legal document that establishes and registers a not-for-profit organization within the state of Virginia. These articles outline the key details and provisions related to the organization's structure, purpose, and tax-exempt status. The following are the different types of Fairfax Virginia Articles of Incorporation for Not-for-Profit Organizations: 1. General Articles of Incorporation: These articles include the basic information necessary to form a not-for-profit organization in Fairfax, Virginia. It typically includes details such as the organization's name, purpose, duration, registered agent, initial directors, and whether the organization will have members or not. 2. Tax-Exempt Status Provisions: These provisions outline the steps and requirements for obtaining and maintaining tax-exempt status under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. It includes information on the organization's charitable, educational, religious, or scientific purpose and how it will benefit the community. These provisions also incorporate IRS compliance regulations, known as the "organizational test" and the "operational test." 3. Dissolution Provisions: These provisions explain the process of dissolving the not-for-profit organization if it becomes necessary in the future. It outlines the procedures to be followed, including the distribution of remaining assets to other tax-exempt organizations as required by law. 4. Amendment Provisions: These provisions specify the method and requirements for amending the organization's articles in the future. They provide instructions on how to modify any information or provisions contained within the articles of incorporation when necessary due to organizational changes or legal requirements. 5. Indemnification Provisions: These provisions establish liability protection for the organization's directors, officers, and volunteers, ensuring that they will be indemnified and protected against legal claims, expenses, and damages incurred while performing their official duties within the organization. It is essential to ensure that the Fairfax Virginia Articles of Incorporation for a Not-for-Profit Organization with Tax Provisions comply with state laws and regulations. Seeking guidance from a legal professional or utilizing online resources provided by the Virginia State Corporation Commission can help organizations navigate the incorporation process effectively and securely.