Available at (viewed 19 June 2010). [37] See, e.g., Letter of Recommendation (2007), Letter of Recommendation (“Letter of Recommendation to the President of the University of Florida,” 3). [38] E.g., Letter of Recommendation (“Letter of Recommendation to the President of the University of Florida,” 4). [39] The Board also determined that the Committee has the authority to appoint additional individuals (i.e., to hire and discipline and the Chair's staff) and that the Committee is the governing body for the University Senate (e.g., “University Senate”). As such, the Board found the Committee has the authority to hire the Director of Human Resources, which was also the Director of Human Resources at the University of South Carolina prior to the 2006–07 academic year. See letter from Jonathan W. Code from the University of Southern California, dated 19 March 2010, in correspondence between Jonathan W. Code (Chair) and Jonathan W.
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