"The Tax Hike Amendment is not just a tax on people making a million dollars a year. . Candid is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, EIN 13-1837418.
EIN 13-1837418, is, in the eyes of the IRS, not a tax paying organization. I am looking into the tax implications as we speak. We have not received a written statement indicating that the tax hike will not apply to non-profits. The Tax Rate was 5,000% As an aside, 5,000% is a common tax rate for corporations. They use it to minimize their taxes. There's a lot of hidden, but legitimate, money made by corporations. In our case, it will add up to a big problem, especially for small businesses. We do not own land. We do not own houses. Furthermore, we do not own boats. Furthermore, we do not own any cars. If we do buy a car, like a truck, in the future, we will be paying an EXTREME tax rate. The Tax Increase would be Extreme for Me The tax change will definitely affect me the most. There's the IRS, who is making the decision, and there's the government, who will pay the tax. It's a BIG Problem. We are not “non-profit” at all. (I can explain this point better than anybody else.
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