] See also: FOLDS member, Warren Jeff's, being tried in Texas for sexual assault. For more information on Warren Jeff's, see the FOLDS. FOLDS Leader: “The Holy Spirit is the Same” This information comes from the FOLDS Church Law Manual published by the FOLDS Church. The “Holy Spirit” can also be seen as an example of a “Higher Authority”. See also: FOLDS leader, Warren Jeff's, being tried in Texas for sexual assault. For more information on Warren Jeff's, see the FOLDS. In their discussion on how to keep the prophet on earth in their group, “it is taught that the prophet, in order to be a part of the church body and to act as our high priest and guardian, must constantly be able to communicate with angels and heavenly beings. The Spirit, the Holy Spirit, is the same spirit that exists throughout the universe for those who obey the commands of the Lord, “and who have faith in the truth of what he says”.
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