HOTLINE: How many Florida-owned/ -run bars were found to have been running unlicensed hotlines in Florida? McCulloch: We looked at every bar that was licensed to provide alcoholic beverages -- whether it's a restaurant, whether it's a bar. We looked to see whether the state's licensed to provide alcoholic beverages to the public -- whether it's licensed by the city to serve alcohol or a private entity, whether it's a hotel. If somebody ran a hotline, we looked to see if the hotel or the private entity would allow us to talk to people, see if they needed help. We also looked at whether the licensee actually could provide the services it was licensed to provide, and if they could do that, there was a violation. HOTLINE: What about the hotel? McCulloch: I'd have to check on the hotel, but what we found was that 90 percent of the hotels that were found to be operating hotlines were not licensed to provide service.
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