Florida. July 20, 2014, Mr. William H. Johnson Porter County Judge 1410 North Military Trail Porterville, FL 34656 Dear Judge Johnson: Please accept this request for an Administrative Petition (Form 24). The petition will be delivered to you in writing and processed within 120 days, or, if applicable, 180 days, from the date this request is received. In light of the circumstances in your case, we find it appropriate to extend this timeframe. You have requested an Administrative Petition due to a lack of funds for any payment for your restitution or damages caused by your misconduct, and the Board of County Commissioners finds that an extension is warranted in light of the circumstances. In order to protect the rights of the County, therefore, and for the benefit of the victims and your family, we seek to extend the 120-day deadline for your submission of the request while we work with the Court on an extension.
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