That the Tribal Council approves the sale to Santa Clara Pueblo of the 18. (2) "City Council" means the governing body of the City of Santa Clara, California.Complete final radar tower design detailing and permitting. For private projects, the appeal period is 30 days after the first approval action. SB 219 adds Sections 59.001-59. Section 15. 10 Provisions Not Merged With Quitclaim Deed. 1 recording the quitclaim deed conveying the Property to Buyer;. The Board of Directors of the South San Joaquin Irrigation District met in regular session in the.
The Board unanimously confirmed in its January 25, 1995, meeting the Quitclaim Deed for the. The Board then considered the sale of the land. The Board then voted to approve the land sale and to enter a consent agreement with the Buyer under Section 59.006. The consent agreement contained the terms set forth in this order, and on October 26, 1995, the South San Joaquin Irrigation District voted to terminate its contractual obligations as administrator for Section 59.006 by selling the land under Section 59.003 with the Quit-Claim Deed as a condition. 2 In October 1996, the South San Joaquin Irrigation District entered into a consent agreement to sell its interest in the property under Section 59.002 for 3,000,000. 3 At the October 26, 1995, meeting of the South San Joaquin Irrigation District Board, the Board approved an amended Quitclaim Deed. The sale of the property was initiated on December 15, 1995. 4 The Quitclaim Deed has been accepted by the State of California.
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