Executed in the County of in the State of. Agency Negotiator: Michelle Lacy, General Manager.Seller: Contra Costa County Public Works. 3. Preparing a case theory. Developing and analyzing your evidence, and planning how you will fill in the gaps. Items 1 - 6 — As these new tools continue to be developed and refined, we will capture the processes and procedures across programs in the IOM. It also establishes the State's responsibility to prevent domestic violence. Jury Duty, Attendance As Witness, Military Leave . 1 refers to title 8, part 1, section 1.
Preparing a crime to be charged. This is the crime that will be used to prosecute this crime. In this case you must consider this a crime for which there would be an arrest warrant for this crime. However, the State will not require an arrest warrant to serve an Interim Discharge. 3. Asking for a plea. The IOM may ask you to plead guilty. When the court does, you will be placed on a temporary Discharge status. In most cases, you will be placed under the control of a probation officer. If, on your arrest hearing, you are denied a Discharge, or are given a charge you believe to be excessive, you can request a hearing to challenge the charge, or request a modification of the arrest. 4. Asking the judge to order you under the supervision of the probation officer. This will allow you to remain in the community, pay all your restitution and continue your education. If you are allowed to continue in the community, the court must also place you under probation. 5.
The materials in this section are taken from public sources. We disclaim all representations or any warranties, express or implied, as to the accuracy, authenticity, reliability, accessibility, adequacy, or completeness of any data in this paragraph. Nevertheless, we make every effort to cite public sources deemed reliable and trustworthy.