Middlesex Massachusetts Outside Work — Strict Policy aims to establish guidelines and restrictions regarding employees engaging in external employment or entrepreneurial activities while working for Middlesex County in Massachusetts. At Middlesex Massachusetts, the company emphasizes the importance of employees fully dedicating their time and energy towards their official duties and responsibilities. Therefore, a strict policy has been implemented to ensure that outside work does not interfere with an employee's performance, work quality, or commitment towards Middlesex County. Under the Middlesex Massachusetts Outside Work — Strict Policy, employees are required to seek prior approval from their supervisors or the human resources department before engaging in any outside work. This is to ensure that the proposed activity does not pose a conflict of interest, compromise the employee's availability, or negatively impact their ability to fulfill their obligations to Middlesex County. The Middlesex Massachusetts Outside Work — Strict Policy covers various types of external employment or entrepreneurial activities, including but not limited to: 1. Part-time jobs: Any additional paid employment that an employee intends to take up while still being a part of Middlesex County. This includes jobs in other government organizations, private companies, or self-employment ventures. 2. Independent contracting: Engaging in self-employment activities where an individual provides services or products to clients or customers outside of Middlesex County's scope of work. 3. Non-profit or volunteer work: Partaking in unpaid activities for any charitable, educational, or community service organizations during an employee's scheduled work hours, or any time that may interfere with their work duties. 4. Board memberships: Holding positions in external organizations' boards or committees, which can potentially lead to conflicts of interest or divided attention from Middlesex County commitments. 5. Investments or business ownership: Owning or investing in any business or company that may compete or pose a conflict of interest with Middlesex County's operations or policies. The Middlesex Massachusetts Outside Work — Strict Policy serves as a proactive measure to maintain the integrity, dedication, and professionalism of employees within Middlesex County. By providing a clear framework and guidelines, the policy protects both the interests of Middlesex County and the employees, ensuring that their outside commitments do not compromise their primary responsibilities.