CASE SUMMARY — A male is being investigated by the State Attorney for possessing child pornography on his computer system. It appears that the images were found on April 11, 2011. On April 13th, 2011 the subject's hard drive was examined by the F.B.I. who discovered child pornography. The files were identified as images of child pornography. On April 26, 2011, the subject surrendered his computer and thumb drive. The computer was then transported by police to a local forensic lab for processing. On July 29, 2011, the F.B.I. provided a forensic report which concluded that the images were of child pornography and no forensic image file on the hard drive was identified on the computer which was not found on a thumb drive. There was additional forensic images found on the thumb drive as part of an investigation. Upon searching the thumb drive, it was determined that these images were associated with a file on the system that was not found on the hard drive.
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