The Lima Arizona Stock Option and Incentive Plan is a comprehensive program established by Church Companies, Inc. to motivate and reward its employees by offering them equity-based incentives. This plan allows eligible participants to acquire and own shares of the company's stock, thereby aligning their interests with the long-term success and profitability of Church Companies. The Lima Arizona Stock Option and Incentive Plan comprises various types of equity-based awards that provide participants with attractive benefits. These awards include stock options, restricted stock units (RSS), performance stock units (Plus), and stock appreciation rights (SARS). 1. Stock Options: Under this plan, eligible participants are granted the right to purchase a specific number of shares at a predetermined exercise price. Stock options typically have a vesting period and an expiration date, encouraging employees to remain with the company and contribute to its growth. 2. Restricted Stock Units (RSS): RSS are another form of equity-based awards that are granted to participants. Unlike stock options, RSS directly represent ownership in Church Companies' stock. These units are subject to a vesting period and are typically converted into shares of common stock once the vesting conditions are met. 3. Performance Stock Units (Plus): Plus are awarded based on specified performance goals and metrics defined by the company. Participants are granted a certain number of pluses, which convert into shares upon achieving the predetermined performance targets. Plus incentivize employees to achieve exceptional results and contribute to the company's overall performance. 4. Stock Appreciation Rights (SARS): SARS provide participants with the ability to receive cash or stock equal to the appreciation in the company's stock value over a specific period. These awards are designed to align participants' interests with the company's stock price performance while providing a potential financial benefit. Church Companies' Lima Arizona Stock Option and Incentive Plan is aimed at attracting, retaining, and motivating talented individuals by rewarding their contributions to the company's success. By offering various equity-based awards, employees have the opportunity to own a stake in Church Companies and participate in its growth and prosperity. This comprehensive plan promotes a strong employee ownership culture, fostering commitment, and enhancing the overall performance of the organization.