Mecklenburg County, located in North Carolina, implements robust Tree Protection Laws to preserve and regulate the removal or alteration of trees within its jurisdiction. These regulations aim to protect and maintain the health, significance, and ecological benefits offered by trees. By conserving the county's tree canopy cover, the legislation also focuses on enhancing air quality, water quality, and overall community well-being. The Mecklenburg County Tree Protection Law encompasses several ordinances designed to safeguard trees and manage their preservation. These include: 1. Tree Canopy Preservation Ordinance: This ordinance establishes guidelines for preserving the tree canopy cover in the county. It defines minimum tree density requirements for properties, ensuring that each land parcel maintains a certain number of trees based on its size. The ordinance protects tree resources by establishing standards for planting, maintaining, and replacing trees. 2. Tree Safe Zones: The Tree Protection Law designates certain areas as "safe zones" to prevent the unintentional damage or removal of significant trees during construction or development projects. These zones vary depending on the tree's diameter at breast height (dB) and require developers to take precautions to protect these trees, including fencing and monitoring during construction activities. 3. Mitigation Measures: To compensate for the loss of trees within Mecklenburg County, the Tree Protection Law requires developers and property owners to implement mitigation measures. These measures might include planting new trees on-site or contributing to a tree fund that finances reforestation projects elsewhere in the county. 4. Tree Removal Permits: Property owners must obtain permits before removing trees that meet or exceed specified thresholds, such as minimum size or species classification. This ensures that trees of ecological, historical, or aesthetic value are not unnecessarily removed without proper evaluation. 5. Arborist Report: In certain cases, property owners may need to provide an arborist report before receiving approval for tree removal or alteration. This report typically assesses the health, condition, and species of the trees targeted for removal, helping authorities make informed decisions about their preservation. The Mecklenburg County Tree Protection Law is a comprehensive framework that not only safeguards trees but also encourages sustainable urban development. It promotes responsible tree management by ensuring that trees, considered vital community assets, are thoughtfully conserved and protected for the benefit of current and future generations.