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We're a couple of hours away from a terrorist attack on a school in the US. So now, now, everybody's saying Trump. I hope we don't have to use that word anymore. He said it before he was president, he's still talking about it. But I'll tell you what. We've had enough of losing our freedoms. We have a lot of terrible, horrible things going on in our country. You look at what's going on with our inner cities where our schools are absolutely a disaster. We don't need more guns,” Graham said. “I've been against this for years before I got into politics. Now I have a chance to finally take a stand on it.” This isn't the first time Republicans have tried to get gun control done, but it would have been much cooler had they said, “the US Army is currently conducting Operation White Helmets, because there were no Syrian refugees to be found in Washington DC during the cold and flu season” as opposed to saying, “the US Army is currently conducting Operation White Helmets.
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