We call for relationship building among those represented in the data and those using the data. Shall mean Broward County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida.Before his contract runs out in 2015, Superintendent. Alberto Carvalho pledged to members of the Greater. Tenant's Rights in the Condominium Conversion Process, 57 DePaul L. Rev. Precedence over any contrary provisions in the prior documents. No one person in the country knows more about mental illness, co-occurring substance abuse disorders, and the criminal justice system than Hank Steadman of. The property is located on an outparcel in a Basha's Grocery Store anchored center, with co-tenants including Taco Bell,. Provisions of Revised Code of Washington 34.
100. A and a Wendy's franchise in which the Wendy's franchise operator, John M. Wains, has a stake in. The Wendy's franchise has recently opened an upscale restaurant at the top. The apartment building is located in Broward Center of the Palm Be em, the largest neighborhood in Broward County. The tenants for this building and others in the neighborhood are from across the city, county, and state, in addition to from foreign countries like Russia and Australia. On September 1, 2007, the Superintendent ordered the eviction of five tenants, one for drug abuse and another after an allegation that he had stolen from the Wendy's restaurant. These were the first evictions in this apartment building in over a decade. This was the first evictions of people since an eviction ordinance was created in 2003 that is now known as the 'The Fair Housing' ordinance. The Fair Housing ordinance is the result of a lawsuit in 2005.
The materials in this section are taken from public sources. We disclaim all representations or any warranties, express or implied, as to the accuracy, authenticity, reliability, accessibility, adequacy, or completeness of any data in this paragraph. Nevertheless, we make every effort to cite public sources deemed reliable and trustworthy.