Ssocdation's annual meeting in Phila-.
This document was published in full, with a preface, by Mr. Burnett in a pamphlet entitled, “On the Nature and Significance of the Christian Religion,” printed, 1848, in a volume entitled, “Christianity.” This work, by Dr. Burnett, was, at the end of its publication, put forth as an “Apostle for the Baptists of New York,” and received the assent of its authors. The Baptist Association of this city subsequently held a meeting of its members in the Old City Hall, February l, 1842, under the chairmanship of Dr. Burnett. On the 20th of April 1846, Rev. T. P. Palmer preached the SER- Mons in the Assembly Rooms, as usual, on St. Andrew's Day. That sermon was in substance: “Let us all unite in prayer to God for the success of the holy enterprise of which the Association is the organ, and the blessing and consolation of the city.
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