Pet Forms - Dog Law

Some of Pet Forms available include Pet Trusts, Pet Adoption Contract, Pet Care Agreement, Pet Law Handbook - Guide, Pet Service Package, Buy-Sell, Boarding, Breeding, Grooming, Training and other forms related to pets.

Pet Services Package - This package is designed to assist a person providing pet care services, such as boarding, grooming, training, and breeding, to deliver such services in a professional, legal, and protected manner. Purchase this package and save up over 50% over purchasing the forms separately!

Pet forms are used to regulate the adoption process for pets from a specialized center or when purchasing a highbred animal. The documents used in an animal clinic also belong to this category. They can include templates focused on an animal and its owner, the physical state of an animal, shelter information, adoption data, registration of an animal, training, and behavior, etc. Additionally, some templates contain treatment plans and prescribed medicine and sometimes even diets.

Select by State Pet Agreement

When do you need to have legal pet agreements and forms? Pet Contract

We love our pets, so much that we provide extra care to their own specific needs besides feeding and housing. Even grooming services can be done through an independent contracting groomer. We provide those forms to keep such people contractually obligated for the services provided for your pet. We provide forms and packages like the Pet Counseling Agreement and Contract to Train Dog on Client’s Premises, Contract with Independent Contractor to Perform Pet Grooming Services and our Pet Services Package.

Pet application forms are also often used to outline the care of a pet by two owners who separate and do not live in the same place anymore. In this case, a pet stays with one of the owners and the second helps to take care of it; walking it, purchasing food, and other necessary things like medicine. It includes the names and addresses of the owners and general details about the animal. The responsibilities are shared fully or partially, depending on how both parties manage to outline it in the documents. There’s a number of different forms and situations they’re used in:

  • Pet adoption forms  – are filled out when a person wants to adopt an animal from a center, shelter, or pound. It’s an application that contains the full name, address, and contact of the person who wants to adopt. It also includes the animal’s name. Remember that dog adoption papers can only be filled out by persons 18 and older and comes with an adoption fee (fees can differ from state to state).
  • A Pet Passport – contains general information about an animal, it doesn’t look like a traditional passport but contains all the necessary documentation about it (insurance, health certificate, vaccination, ownership forms, etc.) The documents inside can vary depending on where you’re going, but overall a dog passport and a cat passport make traveling easier.
  • A Nationwide Pet Insurance Claim Form – helps an owner apply for insurance. It covers veterinary consultation and treatment, prescribed food and medicine, covers cases of injuries and death, dental services, loss by theft, etc. It helps to cover all possible issues that could happen with an animal.
  • Pet Sitting forms, or Walking and Sitting Contracts – are needing when an individual or an organization wants to do business in the pet services industry. The information in the agreements covers the name and contacts of the owner and organization who’ll care for the cat or dog.

How to use pet documents Pet Adoption Papers

US Legal Forms’s website has just about any document related to pet care and adoption you can think of. Digital templates help with processing applications concerning pets. The templates are available for vet clinics, insurance companies, animal shelters, grooming, and sitting services. All you need to do is find the needed templates using the categories tools or search engine, purchase the subscription, and then download them. Any form on our website is reusable and easy to fill out, edit and sign. Once you’ve completed it, simply share it via email. Start organizing your files digitally. Fill out, edit, sign and share online. 

FAQ Pet Trust

Is it necessary to file legal documents for a pet? Pet Law

Yes, filing legal documents is obligatory in case the home animal gets medical treatment, proving or obtaining ownership, traveling inside the US and/or abroad. Not having proper documentation causes problems and leads to a lot of hassle.

Are there any restrictions for documents filed for pet ownership? Legal Pet

There are many different kinds of restrictions. For example, relating to the number of animals that can be kept in a household, the type of animals allowed to be kept as pets, extra paperwork for different species, etc. The most important thing is that you have all the appropriate documentation for your state. 

Why should I file pet forms online? Pet Sitter Agreement

Filing forms online saves time and helps organize your documents so that you always know where to find them when you need them. Plus, It eliminates a lot of paperwork.Â