Trademark Form - Trademark Application
Trademarks are important business assets because they allow companies to establish their products. reputation without having to worry that an inferior product will diminish their reputation or profit by deceiving the consumer. With the Trademark Package, you will find the forms that will help protect your valuable business goodwill and gain a competitive edge in the marketplace.
Trademark Forms by State Trademark Template
What is a trademark? What Is Trademark
A trademark is defined as any word, symbol, design, or a combination of all that is used for commerce to give advertisement or to display the products for a manufacturer or small business to show the source or identity of goods by them.
When do I need a trademark? Trademark Law
Trademarks identify the goods of one manufacturer from the goods of others. Trademarks are important business assets because they allow companies to establish their products' reputation without having to worry that an inferior product will diminish their reputation or profit by deceiving the consumer. Trademarks include words, names, symbols and logos. The intent of trademark law is to prevent consumer confusion about the origin of a product.
Who has the right of the trademark? File For Trademark
According to the Patent and Trademark Office, the ultimate right to register a trademark generally belongs to the first party whether it is a small business or a large corporation to use a trademark "in commerce" or file a trademark application with the PTO.
Trademarks are generally distinctive symbols, pictures, or words that sellers affix to distinguish and identify the origin of their products and avoid consumer confusion. Trademark status may also be granted to distinctive and unique packaging, color combinations, building designs, product styles, and overall presentations. It is also possible to receive trademark status for identification that is not on its face distinct or unique, but which has developed a secondary meaning over time that identifies it with the product or seller. The owner/assignee/licensee of a trademark/mark has the right to exclude others from using that trademark/mark by being the first to use it in the marketplace.