Wisconsin Trust Forms - Wisconsin Revocable Trust

We offer thousands of Trust forms. Some of the forms offered are listed by state below. For others, please use our search engine.

Wisconsin Trust FAQ Wisconsin Legal Trust

What is a Trust? A Trust is an entity which owns assets for the benefit of a third person (beneficiary). A Living Trust is an effective way to provide lifetime and after-death property management and estate planning. When you set up a Living Trust, you are the Grantor; anyone you name within the Trust who will benefit from the assets in the Trust is a Beneficiary. In addition to being the Grantor, you can also serve as your own Trustee (Original Trustee). As the Original Trustee, you can transfer legal ownership of your property to the Trust. This can save your estate from estate taxes when you die. Just remember that it does not alleviate your current income tax obligations.

What is an Irrevocable Trust? A trust created during the maker's lifetime that does not allow the maker to change it. 

What is a Revocable Trust? A trust that can be amended and revoked, usually by the person who established the trust. This trust may become irrevocable and unamendable when the only person who can amend or revoke the trust dies or becomes incompetent.

What is a Living Trust? A living trust is a trust established during a person's lifetime in which a person's assets and property are placed within the trust, usually for the purpose of estate planning.  The trust then owns and manages the property held by the trust through a trustee for the benefit of named beneficiary, usually the creator of the trust (settlor).  The settlor, trustee and beneficiary may all be the same person. In this way, a person may set up a trust with his or her own assets and maintain complete control and management of the assets by acting as his or her own trustee.   Upon the death of the person who created the trust, the property of the trust does not go through probate proceedings, but rather passes according to provisions of the trust as set up by the creator of the trust. 

Tips for Preparing Wisconsin Trust Forms

Legal language is quite confusing and puzzling. To learn the ins and outs, you need to get a huge thesaurus, devote hours studying online, or seek advice from a lawyer. If you are preparing Wisconsin Trust Forms, the brief meanings listed below will come in handy and save you time and effort.

  1. A grantor is you or the individual who generates Wisconsin Trust Forms. This position can even be called the trustor. To put it briefly, this individual determines on what terms they pass their property.
  2. A corpus of a document is assets that a grantor transfers by using an irrevocable or revocable trust. Using Wisconsin Trust Forms, you can give real estate property, private property like a motorbike, jewelry, boats, bonds and stocks, and things without a title such as a stamp collection.
  3. A trustee is an individual who controls the assets. You could be a trustee if you want and keep your deals in order. Nevertheless, you will have to include a successor trustee to trust documents who can dispose of your estate in the event of your incapacity or death.
  4. Based on the terms of the trust agreement, beneficiaries are individuals who receive all the belongings that the grantor included. Generally, the beneficiaries are the kids or family members of the trustor, but this is not obligatory.